
Ahh, new discoveries.

Discovery number one: I can go on a long hike and not have to twist my ankle every mile or so.

Discovery number two: Bobbi bought a pad to sleep on with three requirements; it be soft, it fit her sleeping bag, and it be pink. I bought a pad with two requirements; it be light and keep me warm. Discovery, Bobbi bought a nice comfortable pad, and I wake up every 30 minutes.

Discovery number three: Although I have a ways to go in conditioning, I really think I can do this border to border hike.

We hiked this weekend in our regular spot. The PCT above Wrightwood to Jackson Flats campground. This time with the added twist of spending the night and waking up to hike 8 more miles (it's about 2.5 miles to Jackson Flats). The hike was pretty nice, we had great weather and although I didn't sleep well on the pad, all of my other equipment worked well.
I have a new stove that boils 2 cups of water in about 20 seconds, and a sleeping pad and bag combo. I say combo because the bag has no down or insulation underneath, instead it has a sleeve for a sleeping pad to slide into and insulate underneath you. This is a stellar idea as down stuffing does nothing to pad you and thus you reduce some weight as you'll have a pad anyways. These all worked great except I may have to adjust to the bad or splurge for a softer heavier one.
Also, I got to use my trekking poles again. These were bought by Bobbi and are my favorite hiking items. They create a lot of stability while transferring some load off of your legs and back, into your arms. This allows you to go much farther and faster in my opinion. Although a trekking pole-less Bobbi still kicks my butt's pace.
Here's some pics from the hike. Also, I will start planning my PCT thru hike in the next week, doing a small section each week. I will post this process and my thoughts as I go.

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