
Post 2 of 3 . . . my inspiration

Two creatures inspired me to continue through this epic quest. The first creature is the ever-driven and positive Bobbi Bass. Her unstoppable spirit keeps me moving forward. Plus, look at that smile.

When Bobbi and I both started to drift down to a slower pace and begin looking for a rock or post to sit on we were visited by the "Lizard of Hope". He just popped up on top of a rock as we rounded a corner and the dramatic blue of his chin and his "I ain't moving from this amazing spot even for you humans" look on his face put a new hike in our steps. I know it sounds strange but he really got us moving along. This little guy drove me for a mile or so and then it was Bobbi who kept me going to the end. That and the promise of water, juice, shade, a chair, and food being at the end of our journey.

1 comment:

april said...

the 'lizard of hope' is causing me continual amusement.