
So then Dad says. . .

Why wait? Why don't you do this PCT hike next year?

I had to say that I need some time to develop the skills to do snow-covered mountain tops, and deep river crossings. I would also like to be in a LOT better shape although I know the trail will whip me into shape. However, he is right that I don't need to wait too long. So, on that note, I have decided to go in 2009. The only reason this may change is if Damian or someone else can do the hike with me in 2010, I will put it off for one year, otherwise 2009 here I come.

I really do wish someone was going with me only because I like to share my excitement for this sort of thing with others, but I know it will be THE most amazing experience of my life whether I'm alone or with someone. I also know that I have some good friends and a great girlfriend who will share their excitement for what I am accomplishing. I have very supportive friends in April, Jason, Damian and Marla. Hopefully I will be able to convince everyone to write me letters to read on cold nights huddled in my sleeping bag. I know Bobbi and my parents will come see me and hike with me as often as possible, but there will be nights on top of the Sierras in the snow where I will be feeling the darkness and cold of Mother Nature. I will take solace in hiking's ability to make me sleep to keep me from feeling lonely.

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