
Unresolved. . .

Well, as we get ever closer (still 3 years) to my thru-hike I have pondered about where to find a hiking buddy. This needs to be someone with the physical endurance to accomplish the task, a knowledge of the outdoors, and the ability to spend cash on equipment. Prepare your gasps, I have asked Damian. I know what you're saying. His ability to be oblivious and not see you when your standing next to him, might be a bit of a hindrance in emergency situations. However, I know he can be successful if I wear bright colors and jump around and make a lot of noise. Also, we have become a lot closer friends through our nerdy Dungeons & Dragons endeavors.
There is one unresolved issue however. Damian has refused to commit (I'm sure Tracy understands what I mean). His initial response was hysterical and brilliant by the way.
You see, the way I asked him was to send a text message that read, "In 09 or 10 I'm gonna thru-hike the 2,650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, look into and tell me if you wanna go with?"

Damian's response: "I'm pretty sure you're on heavy drugs! But that's not necessarily a 'no'"



april said...

if you're going to hand him your safety & livelihood for however long this is going to take, you might want to spell his name correctly. (d-a-m-i-a-n).

and for my safety & sanity, check out "you're."


thehairlesscat said...

Spelling corrected. I'm sorry Damian. Also, I can't take credit for you're, he said that. Oh you mean . . .